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Amazing idea and Amazing execution! Super useful and easy to use!

I'm so glad it's in HTML format, I thought I was never going to be able to make sounds again!

Amazing tool man! is posible to do a version for win x86? it would help me a lot

(2 edits)

This might sound insane and just not very doable.

But is there any way to use your own wave file rather than the 10 it comes with?

It'd be awesome if you could insert a wav of like some instrument's tone or something and then do the same things to it.


Linux version would be nic!

o        o


Incredible work!

o  \

o  /

hey uhh so how do you change the length of a sound?

(1 edit)

try tweaking the amplitude "sustain", "release" & "length" params

ok thanks!

This is super cool!! I can see myself use this for my projects, Thank you very much!! :D


Very good! Love it!

Wow! It's amazing! I loved!

Amazing, wow! So awesome for you to have made a beautiful tool like this!

I have literally used this everyday since I downloaded it.  It's a great tool now, and hopefully will be better when it's complete.  

One issue is that you have to type .wav every time you export a file, or it doesn't save correctly.  

Other than that, it generates all of the tones you could ever want for any retro game you want to create.

I love this! but the Windows version won't save the file as a .wav file. is it something that I'm doing?

Just put .wav in the file name, worked for me

Very good tool thank you for this :)

very cool

Looks and sound good! But not very usable for me without support for midi devices or as a VST.


I used your tool so many times in my gamedev life ! And when Flash was announced to be abandoned I was so sad ! I was looking for alternative but didn't find any other equivalent... And today I went to the old link that was in my bookmark for so long just, you know, for a miracle and BAM here it is ! "New Home" ! I'm so ridiculously happy xD

Have my 5$ ! (not much I know, sry, but it's with all my heart !)

ps : You can play the 3 games on wich we used Chiptone here : and the earliest one : (


Thank you so much for this. I use it all the time for quick sound FX. Really happy to see it here on itch.

Awesome tool! I used this a lot for game sfx and it works wonders!

The design of the tool is really good. The way you start with a simple sound set and work your way through more complex settings step by step from left to right makes this so easy to use but powerful at the same time.

The RANDOMIZE button can also be a lifesaver sometimes :)

Incredible work!


In Firefox on Linux, I get an error message: "Stage3d error: Context3D not available".

ChipTone needs webGL hardware acceleration, which I believe isn't on by default on Firefox for Linux yet. You can turn it on though, on about:config, you'll want to look for the vaapi settings



This is so much fun!



can I sell a paid sound asset pack made with this tool?


Yes, every sound created with this is in the public domain, as far as the CC0 license allows. You can do anything you want.

Icon. Legend. You ARE the moment.

Deleted post

Wow this is really a well done tool. Thanks for porting to HTML5/JS!

It would be nice to have a PWA version, so it can be used everywhere, not just the iframe.

Holy Crap, THIS IS AMAZING!!! 

cool and more cool, is awesome this tool, easy and fast of use, i really want the sequencer come :


this synth is friggin sweet. any chance of a VST version ?

Cant wait for the sequencer I love playing around with sequencer and making music.

The synth is cool too and is like sfxr.


Linux version?

agreed. would love to use this as well on Linux.

A great tool, also good for learning and understanding how synthesizers work. Well done. :)

Hey, this is awesome! :D


If only we could export to some other format than wav that would be great.

For instance to a MOD file, would that be possible?

There are websites to convert audio to other formats.

I checked but any format to a MOD is usualy not working well, the best way is to get it from the tool right away.

By any mean, your tool is great already but I could see it getting even more traction on especially with tools like gb-studio which uses mod file.

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Its not mine I was just giving a suggestion.

I used a website to convert it to an mp3.

My bad, I thought it was the dev replying.

Modules are a very specific format that potentially this tool could benefit of allowing an export to.

(1 edit)

Just play the sound you make with Audacity recording and then use audacity to save the file.. though i'm not sure about MOD.. i know you can save it to MP3 and OGG using this method. Can also just use Audacity to save the wav to what ever.. i know it's a bunch of extra steps.. but i don't think we'll ever see other files.

This is really fun to work with, do you think you are going to add patch boards? (I think that's what their called, where you connect wires to different things) If that were to get added OMG I would be tweaking those nobs and creating a monstrous tangle of wires till the wee hours of the morning aha. Anyways thanks for making this it's awesome :)

SO! Under the hood, I wrote ChipTone's synth to be entirely modular, it's just set up in this particular configuration to make a usable tool for the most people. But I do have very vague plans to make a modular version at some point... Finishing the main features here comes first though!

Nice, that's awesome! Good Luck :)

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